Jumat, 22 April 2016

Setence Conjunction and Setence Connected

1. Setence Conjunction
·         Please be guided by it’s trem and conditions
·         Signed commercial invoice in 1 original and 3 copies
·         Hong kong notify applicant and marked freight collect
·         All banking charges outside hong kong are for beneficiary account
·         We confrim this credit and also engage
·         With you that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored by us
·         If you are unable to comply with the trems or conditions
·         Plesae communicate with your buyer to arrange for an amendment
·         We have been requested to advise to you the following letter of credits as issude
2. Setence Connected
·         We went home after the rain stopped
·         I prepare my ticket and passport before I go on holiday to paris
·         I started to look for an apartment as soon as I arrived in this city
·         While he was reading her novel, somebody knocked on the door
·         I was really sad when I saw a drama movie
·         I went to the hospital because I had a serious accident

·         First we must prepare the imgredients

Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

Comparison of International Reserves China, India and Indonesia

Nama Kelompok :
1.      Nasrulloh J                / 15212250
2.      Frasisco Wibi seno    / 13212029

Comparison of International Reserves China, India and Indonesia
The rapid growth of the Chinese economy can not be separated from the abundance of foreign exchange reserves held as capital will continue to spur development in the country the bamboo curtain. Here we discuss Comparison forex reserves of China, India, and Indonesia to determine how much capital strength of each country that is now a very high rate of economic growth in Asia.
China continues to prove itself as a new economic giant in Asia with record foreign exchange reserves of USD1,9056 trillion at the end of September 2008. Bank of China through the Internet People's Bank of China said, that number increased by 32.9% from the previous year and 25% more higher than in the foreign exchange reserves at the end of 2007.
However, the statement of the Central Bank of China said the growth from year to year (year on year / yoy) is still considered low when compared to the first quarter, which reached up to 40% rise. This is as a result of the global economic slowdown that started last month.
Until now, China still ranks first which has the largest reserves in the world. Based on the data cited by Reuters, China is getting away from Japan who finished 2nd. While Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves by the end of August 2008 only USD58,356 billion.
The world's foreign exchange reserves at the end of the second quarter recorded rising to US $ 4.4 trillion, from the previous $ 1.5 trillion at the beginning of the decade. The financial crisis the United States (US) is expected to strengthen the grip of China in the US economy.
This happens because Beijing will likely buy more US government securities by utilizing foreign exchange reserves increasingly bloated. China has mastered the US securities worth USD1,3 trillion, or about 70% of their foreign exchange reserves of USD1.8 trillion.
This sparked concerns among US politicians that Chinese influence is so large it will make the country a major threat to the US. Nevertheless, experts say China has no other choice but to continue buying assets with the dominance of the dollar.
This is done to prevent the reduction in the value of its assets, even though they know the US is now at risk of falling into the direction of the economy the worst since the great depression in the 1930s.
They require a liquid and safe assets, such assets when not much in the rest of the world, said the former Head of China in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Eswar Prasad.
According to him, if China stopped sending money to the US, the US dollar will depreciate or deficit quickly. Then, with the current account deficit at this time, no one party is willing to fund the deficit so that the dollar will decline and erode the capital value of their assets.
During this time, he said, the US economy managed through a large current account deficit and that could worsen economic conditions, related to Washington's plan to save Wall Street from the current economic turmoil.
Meanwhile, managing director of Merrill Lynch China Er Fei Liu said, China will be able to maintain reasonable growth at or above 8%. According to him, China needs to ensure sustainable growth and keep inflation under control to reduce the impact of the global financial crisis.
Until now recognizes China has not experienced such turmoil faced by advanced economies. Liu added China had a "simple task" that is inflation, stabilize growth and boost domestic demand.
The foreign exchange reserves (foreign exchange reserves) are deposits of foreign currency by central banks and monetary authorities. At the moment China does have foreign exchange reserves at most. Japan which incidentally is the most developed countries in Asia alone only has foreign exchange reserves of US $ 996.7 billion, followed by Russia (US $ 582.2 billion), India (US $ 295.3 billion), South Korea (US $ 243.3 billion ). China's foreign exchange reserves far surpass the United States (US $ 72.5 billion) and the UK (US $ 72.1 billion).
1.      Sentence coordinative =

1.   Here we discuss Comparison forex reserves of China, India, and Indonesia to determine how much capital strength of each country that is now a very high rate of economic growth in Asia.
2. They need a liquid and safe assets, such assets when not much in the rest of the world, said the former Head of China in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Eswar Prasad.
3. During this time, he said, the US economy managed through a large current account deficit and that could worsen economic conditions, related to Washington's plan to save Wall Street from the current economic turmoil.
4. According to him, China needs to ensure sustainable growth and keep inflation under control to reduce the impact of the global financial crisis.
5. Foreign exchange reserves (foreign exchange reserves) are deposits of foreign currency by central banks and monetary authorities.
6. China's foreign exchange reserves far surpass the United States (US $ 72.5 billion) and the UK (US $ 72.1 billion).
2.      Sub ordinatif =
1. The rapid growth of the Chinese economy can not be separated from the abundance of foreign exchange reserves held as capital will continue to spur development in the country the bamboo curtain. Here we discuss Comparison forex reserves of China, India, and Indonesia to determine how much capital strength of each country that is now a very high rate of economic growth in Asia.
2. However, the statement of the Central Bank of China said the growth from year to year (year on year / yoy) is still considered low when compared to the first quarter, which reached up to 40% rise. This is as a result of the global economic slowdown that started last month.
3. Until now, China still ranks first which has the largest reserves in the world. Based on the data cited by Reuters, China is getting away from Japan who finished 2nd. While Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves by the end of August 2008 only USD58,356 billion.
4. The world's foreign exchange reserves at the end of the second quarter recorded rising to US $ 4.4 trillion, from the previous $ 1.5 trillion at the beginning of the decade. The financial crisis the United States (US) is expected to strengthen the grip of China in the US economy.
5. This is because Beijing is likely to be a lot of buying US government securities by utilizing foreign exchange reserves increasingly bloated.
6. The world's foreign exchange reserves at the end of the second quarter recorded rising to US $ 4.4 trillion, from the previous $ 1.5 trillion at the beginning of the decade.
7. This sparked concerns among US politicians that Chinese influence is so large it will make the country a major threat to the US.

3.      Kompleks Sentence =
1. They need liquid assets and safe
2. If China stopped sending money to the US, the US dollar will depreciate or deficit quickly
3. Then, with the current account deficit at this time, no one party is willing to fund the deficit so that the dollar will decline and erode the capital value of their assets.
4. The US economy is managed through a large current account deficit and that could worsen economic conditions.
5. Liu added China had a "simple task" that is inflation, stabilize growth and boost domestic demand.
6. Foreign exchange reserves (foreign exchange reserves) are deposits of foreign currency by central banks and monetary authorities.
4.      Simple Sentence =
1. According to him, if China stopped sending money to the US, the US dollar will depreciate or deficit quickly.
2. During this time, he said, the US economy managed through a large current account deficit and that could worsen economic conditions, related to Washington's plan to save Wall Street from the current economic turmoil.
3. According to him, China needs to ensure sustainable growth and keep inflation under control to reduce the impact of the global financial crisis.
5.      Relation Sentence =
1. However, the statement of the Central Bank of China said the growth from year to year (year on year / yoy) is still considered low when compared to the first quarter, which reached up to 40% rise.
2. Nevertheless, experts say China has no other choice but to continue buying assets with the dominance of the dollar.
3. whereas such assets is not much in the rest of the world, said the former Head of China in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Eswar Prasad.
4. Then, with the current account deficit at this time, no one party is willing to fund the deficit so that the dollar will decline and erode the capital value of their assets.
5. China will be able to maintain reasonable growth at or above 8%.

Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

Differentiation Apple Inc

Apple Inc. adalah developer besar, produsen dan marketer perangkat komputer personal yang dijual terutama untuk dunia bisnis, kreatif, pendidikan, pemerintah, dan konsumen pasar. Apple juga menjual sistem operasi, utilitas, bahasa, developer tools, dan software database. Sekarang ini Apple tidak hanya menjual perangkat yang berhubungan dengan komputer, melainkan gadget-gadget dengan teknologi terbaru seperti pemutar musik, kamera, dan handphone dengan teknologi berbeda dari yang lainnya.

Saat pembuat PC  terkemuka dunia, Apple Computer menempati status dalam pasar yang didominasi oleh “Wintel” (komputer yang menggunakan software Microsoft Windows dan Intel prosesor), Komputer Macintosh (Mac) melupakan Intel Pentium, prosesor yang dibuat oleh IBM dan Motorola. Apple menawarkan desain yang unik seperti iMac warna-warni yang membedakan komputernya dari pesaing mereka. Untuk menarik pelanggan ke “era Digital Lifestyle,” Apple melakukan kampanye pemasaran yang membuat Mac sebagai pusat perhatian untuk sejumlah perangkat digital seperti kamera, video recorder, dan pemutar musik.

Apple memelihara popularitasnya secara tradisional di ruang kelas, Web desain toko-toko, dan studio seni grafis. Meskipun lebih dari seperempat dari penjualan ke sekolah, Apple telah meningkatkan tekanan di pasar, terutama dari Dell. Dalam upaya meningkatkan ketertarikan konsumen, perusahaan akhirnya membuka lebih dari 25 retail store Apple di seluruh AS.

Sebelum membahas lebih lanjut mengenai strategi yang digunakan Apple Inc, ada baiknya kita mengetahui dulu mengenai strategi diferensiasi terfokus (strategi pada Apple Inc).

Differentiation Strategy (Strategi Diferensiasi)

Strategi diferensiasi berfokus kepada pengembangan produk atau pelayanan yang menawarkan atribut unik untuk dinilai customer dan membuatnya berbeda dari produk lain di pasar persaingannya. Nilai tambah dari keunikan produk akan memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menetapkan harga premium untuk itu. Perusahaan mengharapkan harga yang lebih tinggi akan menutup biaya lebih untuk memproduksi produk yang unik. Jika pemasok bahan baku meningkatkan harga, perusahaan dapat dengan mudah menambah beban biaya pada produk tanpa mengurangi customer karena mereka tidak dapat menemukan produk pengganti. Ini disebabkan karena terlalu uniknya produk yang ditawarkan.

Perusahaan yang sukses menerapkan strategi diferensiasi biasanya memiliki kelebihan sebagai berikut:
•    Akses  ke penelitian ilmiah
•    Tim pengembangan produk yang kreatif dan mempunyai skill  tinggi
•    Tim pemasaran yang kuat dengan kemampuan untuk menyampaikan keunikan produk
•    Reputasi perusahaan berkualitas dan selalu melakukan inovasi

Resiko menerapkan strategi ini adalah adanya imitasi dari kompetitor dan adanya perubahan selera konsumen. Mungkin strategi yang terfokus lebih mampu stabil daripada strategi diferensiasi karena kelebihannya pada pasar yang kecil dan terfokus